Duo tentoonstelling met schilderijen van portretten. 6 juni t/m 31 juli 2009
The forthcoming exhibition SPLIT at van Zijll Langhout Exposities, will present portrait paintings by two figurative painters, David Powell (UK) and Arnout Killian (NL). Both painters have agreed to make 6 canvases at 50 x 40cm each. The portraits will feature the artists and the gallerist, each canvas will have only one completed half of a painted portrait, which will then be covered with paper and given in exchange back to the
respective artist. They will in turn complete the second half of the portrait, unaware of who has been painted on the covered half.
The splitting of each canvas will occur vertically, horizontally and diagonally. The results will be revealed on the evening of the opening.
David Powell (1969) www.davidpowell.nl
Geboren in Cardiff, Wales.
Na zijn opleiding aan de Slade School of Art, University of London vervolgde Powell in 1994 zijn opleiding aan de Ateliers in Amsterdam. Momenteel werkt en woont hij in Nederland.
Arnout Killian (1969) www.arnoutkillian.nl
Geboren in Limburg, Nederland.
Na zijn opleiding aan Gerrit Rietveld Academie te Amsterdam in 1995
vervolgde Killian in 1996 zijn opleiding aan de Rijksakademie van
Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam.
Momenteel werkt en woont hij in Amsterdam.