'Video en film installatie met collages van foto's van Go Eun Im.
This exhibition is inspired by the Korean poem 'Till a Peony Blooms' and a dying peony, on the border between life and death. In a film and video installation '5days in May', as in collages of the memories related to '5 days in May', there are experiments interwining digital and film images, the past and the present, images and language, life and death, love and loss. While shadows of extinction and colors of life stay and go, their movement sometimes rendezvous. By overlapping variouslayers - traces of an unaccomplished desire intensify falling the peony. Dark colored death in digital image and vivid colored life in film image, they go back and forth in time and leave flickering, after-images. However, it remains difficult to determine what is going to be left. For now, the dying peony is trappedby the bustling movement between contrasts.
Go Eun Im (1981) www.imgoeun.kr
Go Eun is geboren in Korea in 1981. Na haar opleiding aan de Yonsei University, Graduate School of Communication and Art (MFA in Media Art) in Seoul, heeft zij in 2008, 2009 een residentie gehad aan de Rijksakademie voor beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam. Go Eun woont in Amsterdam en exposeert in binnen- en buitenland.
In 2010 won zij de publieksprijs van The NEW MEDIA AWARD of the Liedts-Meesen Foundation, UPDATE III, in Gent, BELGIE